Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions

Below you will find all of the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for River Falls.

Every property is governed by River Falls #1 (Original), however there are properties that have certain supplements which override certain clauses in the original document. 

To find out if the property has a supplement, you will have to look up the legal description for the property in question on PRAD.: 

Once said property is found on PRAD,  you will be looking for the following highlighted section under Property Details:


Once you have the legal description, you can go ahead and select the River Falls Supplement listed below that matches the description. 

Should you not find an answer for your question on the supplement, please refer back to River Falls #1 (Original) to see what the Restrictions would be.

** River Falls # 11, #15, #17 - look at River Falls #33
** River Falls #55 - look at River Falls #53

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